The highlighting part of our solution

Our platform offers the most advanced features including simple email content creation, dynamic personalization, and customer segmentation.

Unlimited subscribers

You pay only for sending emails, not for the number of subscribers. Atroster allows you to scale your audience without worrying about the cost.

Schedule campaigns

Schedule emails in advance to reach your audience at the optimal times, ensuring your messages are delivered precisely when they'll have the greatest impact.

Subscribers segmentation

Segment your subscribers based on demographics, behavior, interests, or any other criteria to deliver personalized and relevant content that resonates with each subgroup.

Sign-up forms

Create and customize sign-up forms seamlessly to capture new subscribers. Tailor these forms to match your brand's aesthetics and embed them on your website or landing pages.


Prevent failure from to impacting your reputation

Our platform helps you track email deliverability, bounces, unsubscriptions and open rates. Once email is sent, you can track the performance of your campaign in real-time.

  • Track email deliverability using advanced analytics
  • Segment your subscribers by their individual interests.
service features

Grow your subscriber list with sign-up forms

Create and customize sign-up forms seamlessly to capture new subscribers. Tailor these forms to match your brand's aesthetics and embed them on your website or landing pages.

  • Easy to use
  • Customizable
  • Double opt-in confirmation (optional)